John Cage

John Cage
Date personale
Născut[4][5][6][7] Modificați la Wikidata
Los Angeles, California, SUA[8] Modificați la Wikidata
Decedat (79 de ani)[5][9][10][11] Modificați la Wikidata
New York City, New York, SUA[12] Modificați la Wikidata
Cauza decesuluicauze naturale[13] (accident vascular cerebral[13]) Modificați la Wikidata
PărințiCrete Cage[*][[Crete Cage (American journalist and clubwoman (1881-1968))|​]] Modificați la Wikidata
Căsătorit cuXenia Cage[*][[Xenia Cage (pictoriță americană)|​]] ()[14] Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Statele Unite ale Americii[15] Modificați la Wikidata
ReligieZen Modificați la Wikidata
cadru didactic universitar[*]
teoretician al muzicii[*]
artist vizual[*] Modificați la Wikidata
Locul desfășurării activitățiiEuropa ()[16]
New York City[16] Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbitelimba engleză[17][18] Modificați la Wikidata
Alte numeCage, Jr., John Milton  Modificați la Wikidata
StudiiUniversity of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles High School[*][[Los Angeles High School (public magnet secondary school in the Los Angeles Unified School District, in Los Angeles, California, U.S., founded in 1873)|​]][1]  Modificați la Wikidata
Gen muzicalaleatoric music[*][[aleatoric music (music in which some element of the composition is left to chance, and/or some primary element of a composed work's realization is left to the determination of its performer(s))|​]]
muzică clasică
muzică electronică
Muzică experimentală
musique concrète[*][[musique concrète (form of electroacoustic music)|​]]
Muzica de avantgardă
artă interpretativă[*]
muzica clasică din secolul al XX-lea[*]  Modificați la Wikidata
Instrument(e)pian  Modificați la Wikidata
Case de discuriEdition of Contemporary Music  Modificați la Wikidata
PremiiBursă Guggenheim[*] ()
Kyoto Prize in Arts and Philosophy[*][[Kyoto Prize in Arts and Philosophy (Japanese award for lifetime achievements in the arts and philosophy)|​]] ()[2]
Membru al Academiei Americane de Arte și Științe[*]
Arts and Letters Award in Music[*][[Arts and Letters Award in Music (music award given annually to four recipients by the American Academy of Arts and Letters)|​]] ()[3]
Honorary Member of the International Society for Contemporary Music[*][[Honorary Member of the International Society for Contemporary Music |​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
Înregistrări notabileThe Perilous Night[*][[The Perilous Night |​]]
Two²[*][[Two² |​]]
In the Name of the Holocaust[*][[In the Name of the Holocaust |​]]
Bacchanale[*][[Bacchanale |​]]
4′33″[*][[4′33″ (three-movement musical composition by John Cage)|​]]
Sonatas and Interludes[*][[Sonatas and Interludes (musical works by John Cage)|​]]
Organ²/ASLSP  Modificați la Wikidata
Prezență online
site web oficial
Modifică date / text Consultați documentația formatului

John Milton Cage Jr., cunoscut mai ales ca John Cage (n. , Los Angeles, California, SUA – d. , New York City, New York, SUA), a fost un compozitor, teoretician al muzicii, artist și filozof american. Pionier al nedeterminării în muzică, al muzicii electroacustice și al utilizării non-standard a instrumentelor muzicale, Cage a fost una dintre figurile cele mai importante ale avangardei artistice postume celui de-Al doilea război mondial.

Este considerat de critici ca fiind unul dintre cei mai importanți compozitori ai secolului 20.



  • First Construction in Metal (1939)
  • Living Room Music (1940)
  • Credo In Us (1942)
  • Music for Marcel Duchamp (1947)
  • Sonates et interludes (1948)
  • Music of Changes (1951)
  • 4'33 (1952)
  • Radio Music (1956)
  • Fontana Mix (1958)
  • Cartridge Music (1960)
  • Variations II (1961)
  • 0'00 (4'33" No.2) (1962)
  • Cheap Imitation (1969)
  • HPSCHD (1969)
  • Branches (1976)
  • Litany for the Whale (1980)
  • Ryoanji (1983)
  • But What About the Noise of Crumpling Paper (1985)
  • As SLow aS Possible (1985)
  • Organ²/ASLSP (As SLow aS Possible) (1987)
  • Europeras 1 & 2 (1987)
  • Four6 (1992)

Muzicieni interpreți

Michael Bach, Boris Berman, Leonard Bernstein, Sven Birch, Stephen Drur, Armin Fuchs, Louis Goldestein, Herbert Henck, Martine Joste, Evi Kyriazidou, Cosimo Damiano Lanza, James Levine, Alexeï Lubimov, Bobby Mitchell, Joshua Pierce, Giancarlo Simonacci, Margaret Leng Tan, Adam Tendler, John Tilbury, Roger Zahab.

Note, referințe

  1. ^, accesat în   Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  2. ^  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  3. ^, accesat în   Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  4. ^ a b „John Cage”, Gemeinsame Normdatei, accesat în  
  5. ^ a b c d Autoritatea BnF, accesat în  
  6. ^ a b John Cage, Encyclopædia Britannica Online, accesat în  
  7. ^ a b John Cage, SNAC, accesat în  
  8. ^ Los Angeles Times, accesat în  
  9. ^ a b John Cage (în engleză), RKDartists 
  10. ^ a b John Cage, Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, accesat în  
  11. ^ a b John Cage, Store norske leksikon 
  12. ^ „John Cage”, Gemeinsame Normdatei, accesat în  
  13. ^ a b, accesat în   Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  14. ^  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  15. ^ Museum of Modern Art online collection, accesat în  
  16. ^ a b RKDartists, accesat în  
  17. ^ Autoritatea BnF, accesat în  
  18. ^ CONOR[*][[CONOR (authority control file for author and corporate names in Slovene system COBISS)|​]]  Verificați valoarea |titlelink= (ajutor)

Legături externe

Resurse bibliotecare
Despre John Cage
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De John Cage
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Wikimedia Commons conține materiale multimedia legate de John Cage
La Wikicitat găsiți citate legate de John Cage.

Informații generale și cataloage

  • Site web oficial
  • A John Cage Compendium, website by Cage scholar Paul van Emmerik, in collaboration with performer Herbert Henck and András Wilheim. Includes exhaustive catalogues and bibliography, chronology of Cage's life, etc.
  • Larry Solomon's John Cage Pages, a complete catalogue of Cage's music and a filmography, as well as other materials.
  • Edition Peters: John Cage Biography and Works, Cage's principal publisher since 1961.
  • Guide to the John Cage Mycology Collection
  • Silence/Stories: related texts and poems by, among others, Lowell Cross, AP Crumlish, Karlheinz Essl, Raymond Federman, August Highland, George Koehler, Richard Kostelanetz, Ian S. Macdonald, Beat Streuli, Dan Waber, Sigi Waters and John Whiting
  • Lucrări de sau despre John Cage în biblioteci (catalog WorldCat)
  • Format:BrahmsOnline
  • John Cage la Internet Movie Database
  • Artist Biography and a list of video works by and about John Cage at Electronic Arts Intermix
  • Interview with John Cage, 21 iunie 1987
  • Ross, Alex, "Searching for Silence: John Cage's art of noise", The New Yorker, 4 octombrie 2010.
  • John Cage la TV Tropes

Link collections

  • John Cage Online
  • Photographs of John Cage from the UC Santa Cruz Library's Digital Collections Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine.

Subiecte specifice

  • The Music of Chance, article from the UK Guardian newspaper, quotes from various people who knew Cage.
  • "Silence and Change / Five Hanau Silence": Articles and documents on a project of John Cage, Claus Sterneck and Wolfgang Sterneck in benefit of a squatted culture center in Hanau (Germany) in 1991, (English / German).
  • Garten, Joel, "Interview With MoMA Curator David Platzker About the New Exhibition on John Cage", The Huffington Post, 20 februarie 2014.

De ascultat

  • In Conversation with Morton Feldman, 1966, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5
  • 1989 radio interview on the CBC program Brave New Waves.


Mass media

  • John Cage at UbuWeb: historical, sound, film.
  • Indeterminacy, Cage's short stories taken from various publications and accessed in random order.
  • FontanaMixer: computer program by Karlheinz Essl that generates a realtime version of John Cage's "Fontana Mix" (1958)
  • Other Minds Archive: John Cage interviewed by Jonathan Cott, streaming audio
  • Other Minds Archive: John Cage and David Tudor Concert at The San Francisco Museum of Art (16 ianuarie 1965), streaming audio
  • martie 2002 Suite for Toy Piano (1948) performed by Margaret Leng Tan at the Other Minds Music Festival in 1999 at the Cowell Theater in San Francisco.
  • 1982 performance of Speech for 5 radios and reel (1955) pe YouTube
  • Notes towards a re-reading of the "Roaratorio" – the work of John Cage and his special relationship to radio at Ràdio Web MACBA
  • The Rest isn't Silence... it doesn't exist! – Analytical material and recordings going back to the first rehearsal and performance of Imaginary Landscape No. 4 in 1951.
  • Fluxradio (podcast) – An exploration of some of the concepts and ideas behind the music and performance practice of Fluxus.
  • John Cage – Journeys in Sound, Documentary, Germany, 2012, 60 Min., director: Allan Miller & Paul Smaczny, written by Anne-Kathrin Peitz; production: Accentus Music in co-production with Westdeutscher Rundfunk. "Czech Crystal Award" (Best Documentary) at Golden Prague Festival 2012.

Format:John Cage Format:Darmstadt School Format:Modernist composers Format:Electronic music Format:New York School composers

  • v
  • d
  • m
Fluxus • Happening
Fondatori, inițiatori,
curatori, critici și istorici
  • George Maciunas
  • Revista Fluxus
  • Simon Anderson
  • Jacquelynn Baas
  • Jean Brown
  • Peter Frank
  • Ken Friedman
  • Judith Hoffberg
  • Hannah Higgins
  • Jill Johnston
  • Knud Pedersen
  • Clive Phillpot
  • Kristine Stiles


Artiști plastici
  • Genpei Akasegawa
  • Eric Andersen
  • Ay-O
  • Mary Bauermeister
  • Joseph Beuys
  • Joseph Byrd
  • George Brecht
  • Bazon Brock
  • Bob Cobbing
  • Philip Corner
  • Robert Filliou
  • Henry Flynt
  • Ken Friedman
  • Brion Gysin
  • Al Hansen
  • John Held Jr.
  • Geoffrey Hendricks
  • Adrian Henri
  • Hugo Heyman
  • Dick Higgins
  • Ray Johnson
  • Joe Jones
  • Bengt af Klintberg
  • Milan Knížák
  • Alison Knowles
  • Arthur Köpke
  • Addi Køpcke
  • Shigeko Kubota
  • George Maciunas
  • Jonas Mekas
  • Larry Miller
  • Jeff Nuttal
  • Yoko Ono
  • Nam June Paik
  • Panamarenko
  • Ben Patterson
  • Takako Saito
  • Tomas Schmit
  • Mieko Shiomi
  • Daniel Spoerri
  • Ben Vautier
  • Wolf Vostell
  • Robert Watts
  • Emmett Williams
  • La Monte Young


Lucrări, spectacole
și expoziții
  • Expoziția Documenta (Kassel, 1972)
  • Fluxus 1
  • Fluxus Festival (Los Angeles Philharmonic, 2018)
  • Grapefruit
  • Poème symphonique
  • Spice Chess
  • Topographie Anécdotée du Hasard
  • Water Yam

Alți varii artiști
  • Luciano Chessa
  • Adam Fong
  • Hannah Higgins
  • Alison Knowles
  • Davi Det Hompson
  • Shigeko Kubota
  • Adam Overton
  • Yoshi Wada

Articole conexe

artistice locale
și mondiale

Listă de artiști plastici Fluxus • • Avangarda artistică românească • Grupări artistice • Mișcări și genuri artistice • • Modernism • • Divizionism • • Fauvism • • Pointilism
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